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Visitors 178
Modified 1-May-24
Created 16-Feb-12
63 photos

The Baker River is the silvery blue heart of Patagonia: the most voluminous river in Chile, and one of the rivers threatened by the HidroAysen mega-dam project. "Los Escualos" are the kids that paddle the Baker. I joined their youth kayaking club for a 3-day trip from Cochrane (their home town) to Tortel, where the Baker empties tens of thousands of cubic feet of water into the ocean daily.
Balsa BakerCold photographerPure PatagoniaRoberto Haro ContrerasJaime & NicoRescue mission"Quincho"JaimeLos ÑadisNicoJohnDon Arturos' landClub Nautico EscualoGear treeFirebreakÑadis campPom-pomsStick silverwareKayak campfireMarshmallow sticks